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Summer Solstice Ritual


About the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is a time for increased manifestation, as we peak of the sun. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year, with nine and a half hours more light than the Winter Solstice.

It marks the return to darkness, as we will now experience the daylight hours beginning to decrease in the run-up to the Winter Solstice. This is our time to take stock of all we have achieved, to give thanks for all our manifestations that have come to fruition and to prepare for introspection, healing and inner work during the darker months. What better way than with a Summer Solstice Ritual?

You will need:

Crystal grid tools including crystals, paper, pen and a heart healing grid designed by Angelic Crystals
  • Candle/ Incense/ Sage

  • Lighter or matches

  • Notebook

  • Journal

  • Pen

  • Crystals

  • Grid Base

  • Summer Offerings (flowers, plants, herbs, etc..)

Step One: Cleanse

Firstly is to cleanse your space and your tools. You can use Sage, Palo Santo, or Incense for this.

Open your windows and doors, to release the energies.

Consciously have the intention to cleanse and remove any energies, so you are starting with fresh and new energy. Light whichever tool you have chosen to use, let the smoke fill your space and ensure you waft it over your space, yourself, and your other tools.

When done, place it in a relevant holder to allow it to safely burn out (ash catcher or Abalone Shell).

Woman using a match to light a bundle of sage for smudging

Step Two: Intentions

Decide on your intentions, what is it you want to achieve? What are you dreaming of? Consider the next month, the next 6 months, the next year, and the next 5 years.

Think of all aspects of your life, what do you want from your relationships, career, family, home, health, finances, experiences, and spirituality?

There is no dream too big or extreme; think of your dream life.

Step Three: Write

Once you have considered each aspect of your life, you need to take your notebook and make a list of your intentions. You don't need to put a time limit on this, as things will happen in divine timing, just trust completely that you will achieve this.

So it could look like: "I want a three-bedroom house by the sea", or "I want to have started my career as a manager and be earning at least £45,000". If you want to remove something (such as a debt), try not to focus on the debt itself, but on what you would do once it is paid.

Write them all down. You aren't focusing on how you will get there, just on what you truly want. The how is up to the universe, just be open to receiving however it comes.

Spiritual journal with a wooden background, surrounded by pine cones, amethyst clusters, and an amethyst pendant.

Step Four: Gratitude

Now take your journal and date it to today's date. You are going to take some time to think about all that you have achieved so far this year. This could be anything you have manifested, experienced, achieved, healed, or released. There is nothing too small.

You can write each thing by saying 'I am grateful for/that...', or in whichever way feels good to you. The aim is to acknowledge and appreciate all that you have, and all you have done, and give thanks to the universe for providing it to you.

Once you are happy with your list, you can sign it off by saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'.

You can then reread your list and feel the immense gratitude for each point, feel it in your chest, or speak it out loud, whatever feels right to you. The key here is to feel immense gratitude, so you will attract more things to be grateful for.

Step Six: Gridding

One way to increase your manifesting capabilities is to create a crystal grid. You can find our full guide on how to create a grid here. But a quick guide is:

Take your crystals and summer items and use your intuition to place them on the grid as you feel they need to be.

You can consciously release your intentions (from step three) into the universe, feeling like you have already achieved them, as you connect the crystals on your grid using a piece of Clear Quartz. Reconnect your grid as often as you feel necessary and leave it up until you feel it is time to change or dismantle it.

Summer Solstice Crystal Grid

And that is it, you have released your intentions into the universe for the year ahead, whilst acknowledging and expressing gratitude to the universe for everything that has come to fruition so far.

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