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Honey Calcite Palmstone

Honey Calcite Palmstone


Honey Calcite is also called Golden or Amber Calcite. Calcite comes from the Greek word ‘Calix’ which means lime. It is one of the most abundant minerals on earth.


Crystalline structure:

Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral that occurs in masses and rhombohedral forms.

Honey Calcite rates at 3 on the Mohs scale.


Metaphysical Properties:

Honey Calcite works with your Root, Sacral, and Third Eye Chakras. This combination creates a fantastic mix of personal will and creation. This mineral works strongly with your Sacral Chakra, which is your centre of creativity and pleasure. Working with Honey Calcite can help you remove blockages which are preventing you from finding pleasure in your life or blocks preventing you from finding solutions to your problems.

Honey Calcite can also help encourage your will, pushing you to get up and go, pushing you to create your own reality, guided by your intuition.


Palm stones:

These crystals are carved to fit comfortably in your hand. They are created to allow you to hold them easily, especially during meditation. When used in meditation, it allows you to further connect with your crystals energy.

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